This was TOPIC’s eighteenth exhibition and one that put the focus on the Galician puppet tradition, marking a milestone on the journey began in 2013 by the Asociación Cultural Morreu o Demo with the aid of Viravolta Títeres.
"Barriga Verde, de Feria en Feria" was born out of several works aimed at researching, recovering, disseminating and giving value to everything related to the show Barriga Verde⎯an important element of Galicia’s cultural heritage⎯on behalf of said association and other agents.
By the time the exhibition arrived in Tolosa, it had already received more than ten thousand visitors in several Galician cities and towns. Our aim was to showcase the traditional Galician puppet scene and bring different audiences, even international, to meet the character of Barriga Verde by offering the exhibition in English for the first time. In fact, TOPIC had already contributed to the exhibition by lending several puppets that, although original to other regions and countries, shared similarities with Barriga Verde. In total, we provided ten traditional European glove-puppets for the exhibitions that took place in Lugo, Santiago de Compostela, Pontevedra, Lalín and Ribadavia, all in Galicia.
In order to make this happen, two links of the same chain had to be joined: the older generations that had the chance to enjoy the ‘Barriga Verde’ show and the younger that did not. It was necessary to rekindle memories, uncover many an object left in the attic and raise awareness of their value.
Hence, this is the proof that Barriga Verde never died, that it still triggers feelings both in children and adults that can only be explained when the show is carried out, as when Barriga Verde holds his rod. The effort to recover a character like Barriga Verde, this traditional club-brandishing puppet, serves a series of values that, we believe, are conveyed by the puppet itself and the people who brought it to life.
Para llegar hasta aquí tuvieron que juntar dos eslabones: el de las generaciones que tuvieron la suerte de vivir el espectáculo de ‘Barriga Verde’ y el de las que no lo llegaron a conocer. Fue necesario revivir los recuerdos, desempolvar muchos objetos guardados en el trastero y tomar conciencia de su valor.
Así pues, aquí está la prueba de que Barriga Verde no murió, de que sigue despertando en niños y mayores una serie de sentimientos que sólo se explican en el preciso momento de la representación, cuando Barriga Verde agarra su vara. La apuesta por la recuperación de Barriga Verde, este títere de cachiporra tradicional, obedece a una serie de valores que consideramos que representa este títere y las personas que le dieron vida.