What is TOPIC?

TOPIC is the Tolosa International Puppet Center. An avant-garde place where imagination and innovation are the protagonists that make this space an international reference in the world of puppetry. Here you learn, investigate, share and reflect on a world that sometimes goes unnoticed as a minor art, and yet has been practiced by humans since ancient times in much of the planet. A world of magic, illusion and emotions that transcend the stage, trapping the audience in its spell.

TOPIC’s 3,600 m2 offer:

  • A permanent museum and a space for temporary exhibitions.
  • A documentation centre, an archive and a multimedia library, all of them completely digitalised.
  • A modern and fully-equipped auditorium with capacity for 250 people.
  • A space for production, assembly and rehearsals.
  • Spaces for compatible performing arts.
  • Spaces for onsite or online workshops and courses.
  • A small apartment for artists and researchers.
Thanks to its true vocation, TOPIC has also become a meeting point for puppeteers from all over the world. It is a place to learn, show, research, produce and share experiences, knowledge, reflections and work in an avant-garde space that offers comfort, functionality and high-tech equipment.
Thus, this makes TOPIC a space available for all those who share the objectives of developing, promoting and perfecting the world of puppetry in all its expressions, devising the future but without losing sight of the past and always open to exploring new relationships with other artistic expressions.
As an active member of the International Puppetry Association (UNIMA), TOPIC continually seeks to collaborate with its diverse committees and bodies, both national and international.
Consequently, Tolosa is nowadays an epicentre of puppet theatre, an artistic expression that currently enjoys an increasing acceptance and social significance.


  • 2010 - Premio Nacional de Teatro de ASSITEJ
  • 2011 - Mención Especial de los Premios de Turismo de Gobierno Vasco
  • 2012 - Premio Silletto concedido por el European Museum Forum,
  • 2013 - III Premio Iberoamericano de Educación y Museos en su categoría 1
  • 2013 - Cascabel de Oro de la ONCE
  • 2013 - TOPIC entra a formar parte del “Excellence Club” de Museos de la organización The Best in Heritage
  • 2014 - Premio Rosa Mª García Cano a la mejor iniciativa de programas educativos y de promoción de las artes escénicas para la infancia y la juventud
  • 2015 - Premio Pelegrín de plata otorgado por el Teatro Arbolé de Zaragoza al TOPIC y al Titirijai por su labor en favor del mundo de los títeres
  • 2016 - Premio Galicreques otorgado por el Festival Galicreques de Santiago de Compostela por su labor en el mundo de los títeres
  • 2018 - Premio Parque de las Marionetas a la trayectoria al TOPIC, “En reconocimiento a su labor desde 2009 y por ser un referente mundial en el mundo del títere y la marioneta”
  • 2018 - VIII Premio Ibermuseos, mención de Honor al TOPIC por su proyecto de concienciación medioambiental Bizitzeko – Re-Vivimos, realizado junto con el Departamento de Medioambiente de la Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa.

Asociaciones a las que pertenecemos

EVOC Experimenting VOCational training for puppeteers
Museum’s opening hours

From Tuesday to Friday
From 10:00 to 13:00 // From 16:00 to 19:00

Weekends and holidays
From 10:30 to 14:00 // From 16:00 to 19:30

Mondays: Closed

The museum will be closed on January 1 and 6, on January 5 in the afternoon; in Carnival from the 27th to the 5th, on June 24 for the San Juan festivities and on December 25. On December 24 and 31 in the afternoon.

Access to the theater will be closed 15 minutes after the start of the performance.

Tolosa Puppet
International Center

Euskal Herria Plaza
20400 Tolosa

943 65 04 14 cit@cittolosa.com
© 2022 TOPIC | Designed by Chroma Estudioa