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Polichinela’s Routes.

2013 - 2014 |
This exhibition walked us through the history of the heroes of the European puppet tradition over the centuries. Its aim was to show the public Polichinela’s history. As Toni Rumbau explains, “he is a very curious character. He is the starting point. Born in Naples during the Renaissance, he travels through Europe and suffers different transformations in each city”. Regarding its characterisation, Rumbau points out about the Neapolitan mask that, “moving from city to city over the centuries, it has become a rich archetype of vitality and sovereignty, as it has branched out across the whole continent into very tightly related characters”.
Polichinela adopted several different forms and names throughout Europe. “Most cities possess a puppet that represents them: local myths that constitute their popular and humble souls, and showcase each place’s most peculiar, archetypical and hidden traces. Naples has Pulcinella, Paris Polichinelle, London Punch, Lyon Guignol, Moscow Petrushka, Barcenola Titella, Madrid Don Cristóbal, and Tolosa, through TOPIC, has Mariona”.
Museum’s opening hours

From Tuesday to Friday
From 10:00 to 13:00 // From 16:00 to 19:00

Weekends and holidays
From 10:30 to 14:00 // From 16:00 to 19:30

Mondays: Closed

The museum will be closed on January 1 and 6; january 5 afternoon, in Carnival, from 8 to 14 of February, on June 24, July 31 and on December 25. Also on December 24 and 31 in the afternoon.

Access to the theater will be closed 15 minutes after the start of the performance.

Tolosa Puppet
International Center

Euskal Herria Plaza
20400 Tolosa

943 65 04 14
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