This exposition paid a well-deserved homage to the work done by the Aragonese company Titiriteros de Binéfar, who won the National Award for Theatre for Childhood and Youth in 2009, and included shows and puppets from their entire lifespan.
This company’s relationship with Tolosa’s Titirijai festival dates back to 1991, when they achieved success with their show "Bandido Cucaracha". Since then, their presence has been constant. In 1995 they performed "¿Matamos al Dragón?" and "Almogavars2, in 1996 Fábula de la raposa, in 1999 "Cómicos de la legua", "Dragoncio" in 2002, "Retablo de Navidad" in 2004, "El hombre Cigüeña" in 2006 and, finally, their show "No nos moverán" was part of TOPIC’s opening in 2009. All this, besides their numerous participations in the Quincena Musical de San Sebastian, has resulted in the audience of our region being extremely fond of their work.
In addition to their on-stage work, they have also published seven albums and three books. As for their performances, they have performed over thirty shows in thirty-eight countries: “We have taken our puppets to Andorra, Portugal, France,Italy, Hungary, Germany, Czechia, Finland, Switzerland, Luxemburg, Belgium, Morocco, Japan, Palestine, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Mexico, Taiwan, Brasil, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Canada, Greece, Cyprus, China, Poland, Lithuania, as well as Atlanta, Washington, New York, New Orleans, Connecticut, Vermont and Hollywood in the USA. And, of course, all over Spain and every single corner of Aragon”, says Paco Aparicio.